​​​Our Recipe:​
What other more appropriate fruit than grapes and apples to represent the taste of France? We could not think of any other fruits mainly because of the vast wine industry. And we threw an apple just to spice up the taste. Our grapes are grown on the most fertile ground with the perfect balance of sun and rain. Our fruits are controlled under the farmers trademark which secures the freshness and healthiness of our fruits.
...and mOtion Juice Travels to: Paris, Le Mont Saint-Michel and Nice!
Paris, the world's most popular city destination, has plenty of must-see places but make sure you spend at least a day strolling off the beaten path, as this is the only way to discover the real Paris: a lively cosmopolitan but undeniably French city.
The Mont-Saint-Michel is an international place of pilgrimage as well as a major tourist centre.
The different stages of its construction have created a unique architectural ensemble which was classified as a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1979.
Nice is just a delight, with its flower market, gorgeous coastline, sipping drinks mere feet from the Mediterranean, great shopping and delightful pastries.
3 Apples
100 Grapes 
Energy: 172kj (41 kcal)
Protein: 0.3 mg
Carbs: 8.9 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamin C: 12mg (18% RDA)